Creoda de Mercie 1 2 3

Nom de naissance Creoda de Mercie
Identifiant Gramps I6142
Genre masculin
Âge au décès environ 53 ans



He was the first monarch of Mercia (584 - 593).
Creoda is recorded as having been the son of Cynewald, the grandson of Cnebba, and the great-grandson of Icel; consequently, members of the Mercian royal line were known as Iclingas. Although this suggests that Creoda was only a fourth-generation descendant of the first Angles in England, the sources nevertheless record him as having been the first ruler of the Kingdom of Mercia. One explanation for this is that the Mercians had initially settled further east and only moved into the area of what became known as Mercia in the time of Creoda.
Like most of the early Anglo-Saxon kings, very little is known about his life. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records his death in the year 593.

[source Wikipedia]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Naissance [E8169] vers 540      
Décès [E8170] 593      


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Cynewald de Mercie [I6143]vers 512vers 566
         Creoda de Mercie vers 540 593


Famille de Creoda de Mercie [F3183]

Nom Naissance Décès
Pybba de Mercie [I6141]vers 570vers 610

Arbre généalogique

  1. Cynewald de Mercie [I6143]
    1. Creoda de Mercie
        1. Pybba de Mercie [I6141]