Icel des Angles 1 2

Nom de naissance Icel des Angles
Nom de naissance Icel de Mercie
Nom de naissance Icil of Mercia
Identifiant Gramps I6144
Genre masculin
Âge au décès inconnu



Icel (or Icil) was an early king of Mercia, according to an eighth-century life of St Guthlac. Early genealogies record him as the great-grandfather of Creoda of Mercia and the son of Eomer, last King of the Angles in Angeln. Icel led his people across the North Sea to Britain, and gave his name to the Iclings (or Icelingas), the ruling dynasty of Mercia. He was probably active in the period 510-535, which corresponds to a date given in the Flores Historiarum of Roger of Wendover and Matthew Paris, namely 527, under which is reported, "...pagans came from Germany and occupied East Anglia... some of whom invaded Mercia and fought many battles with the British..." This date, however, should perhaps be amended to 515.

[source Wikipedia]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Décès [E8174] vers 530      
Naissance [E12059]        

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Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Eomer des Angles [I6145]
         Icel des Angles vers 530


Famille de Icel des Angles [F3185]

Nom Naissance Décès
Cynewald de Mercie [I6143]vers 512vers 566

Arbre généalogique

  1. Eomer des Angles [I6145]
    1. Icel des Angles
        1. Cynewald de Mercie [I6143]