Heiðrekr Ulfhamr 1a 1

Nom de naissance Heiðrekr Ulfhamr
Identifiant Gramps I2408
Genre masculin


Note : 1

Roi gothique

Note : 2

Hervarar saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist give more information about his brother Halfdan the Valiant and his son Ivar Vidfamne, and by implication about Guðröðr himself.

Hversu Noregr byggdist gives Halfdan the Valiant's father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).

Hervarar saga provides the information that Halfdan's mother was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns

[source Wikipedia]


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Agantyr Heidreksson [I2409]
         Heiðrekr Ulfhamr


Famille de Heiðrekr Ulfhamr [F1024]

Nom Naissance Décès
Hild [I2407]

Arbre généalogique

  1. Agantyr Heidreksson [I2409]
    1. Heiðrekr Ulfhamr
        1. Hild [I2407]

Références de la source

  1. Wikipedia [S0052]
      • Page : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Valiant