Maria Troiane de Bulgarie 1 2

Nom de naissance Maria Troiane de Bulgarie
Alias Xene

    Nom en tant que nonne.

Identifiant Gramps I3108
Genre féminin
Âge au décès inconnu



Maria was a daughter of Troian of Bulgaria by an unnamed Byzantine noblewoman descended from the families of Kontostephanos and Phokas. Her paternal grandparents were Ivan Vladislav of Bulgaria and his wife Marija. Her paternal uncles included Presian II of Bulgaria and Alusian of Bulgaria.

Maria married Andronikos Doukas well before 1066. Her husband was a son of the Caesar John Doukas, a major power player in Byzantine politics of the era, and Eirene Pelagonitissa. He was also a nephew of Constantine X and first cousin of Michael VII.

Maria was endowed with an inheritance of vast land holdings around Lake Ohrid, and her considerable income was used to support her husband's lavish lifestyle and political ambitions.

Her prominent marriage is another evidence to the integration of descendants of the Kometopouloi into the court nobility in Constantinople.

As mother of the Empress Irene Doukaina, Maria was a woman of some influence in the early years of the reign of Alexios I Komnenos. Her granddaughter Anna Komnene praises her beauty and wisdom in the Alexiad. Maria's other daughter, Anna, married into the powerful Palaiologos family.

[source Wikipedia]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Décès [E4106] après 1081      
Naissance [E11214]        

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Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Trojan de Bulgarie [I3109]
         Maria Troiane de Bulgarie après 1081


Famille de Andronikos Doukas et Maria Troiane de Bulgarie [F1378]

Mariés Mari Andronikos Doukas [I3107] ( * + 14 octobre 1077 )
Nom Naissance Décès
Irène Doukas [I2903]1066entre 1123 et 1133

Arbre généalogique

  1. Trojan de Bulgarie [I3109]
    1. Maria Troiane de Bulgarie
      1. Andronikos Doukas [I3107]
        1. Irène Doukas [I2903]