Sigurd Hart 1a 1b

Nom de naissance Sigurd Hart
Nom de naissance Sigurðr Hjǫrtr
Identifiant Gramps I2519
Genre masculin


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Sigurd Hart or Sigurd Hjort was a legendary king of Ringerike in Norway, who appears in Ragnarssona þáttr and in Halfdan the Black's saga.

Ragnarssona þáttr informs that he was the son of Helgi the Sharp (the great-great-grandson of king Ring of Ringerike) of the Dagling dynasty and Aslaug. She was the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye (one of Ragnar Lodbrok's sons) and Blaeja, the daughter of king Aelle II of Northumbria. When Sigurd Hart was only twelve years old he slew a berserker named Hildibrand in a duel, and twelve other men. He married Ingeborg, the daughter of the Jutish chieftain Harald Klak. Sigurd and Ingeborg had the children Guttorm and Ragnhild. When his uncle king Fróði of Ringerike died, Sigurd went to Norway to succeed him as king.

Ragnarssona þáttr and Halfdan the Black's saga relate that a berseker from Hadeland named Haki killed Sigurd, but lost a hand in the fight. Then Haki went to Sigurd's residence at Stein and took Sigurd's children Ragnhild and Guttorm. Haki returned with the children and all the loot to Hadeland. Before Haki recuperated from his wounds and could marry the 15 or 20 year old Ragnhild, she was captured a second time, by Halfdan the Black. Halfdan and Ragnhild were the parents of Harald Fairhair.

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Sigurd's daughter Aslaug married Helgi the Sharp (the great-great-grandson of king Ring of Ringerike) of the Dagling dynasty. They had the son Sigurd Hart, who married Ingeborg, the daughter of the Jutish chieftain Harald Klak. Sigurd Hart and Ingeborg had the children Guttorm and Ragnhild. When his uncle king Fróði of Ringerike died, Sigurd Hart went to Norway to succeed him as king.

[source Wikipedia]

Je n'ai pas retenu que Helgi le Tranchant soit le père de Sigurs Hart afin de ne pas provoquer un saut colossal de générations. J'ai préféré un autre Helge comme l'indique Krystad history and genealogy.

Note : 3

Dag married Thóra Heroes-mother (Thóra drengjamóður) who bore him nine sons, but only four are named: Óli, Ám (Ámr), Jöfur, and Arngrím (Arngrímr).

Óli was father of Dag, father of Óleif (Óleifr), father of Hring, father of Helgi, father of Sigurd Hart (Sigurðr Hjǫrtr), father of Ragnhild (Ragnhildr) the mother of Harald Fairhair
--> Cette source conduit à un saut de génération colossal : je ne l'ai pas retenu.

[source Wikipedia]


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Helge den Vasse [I3514]vers 770vers 795
Mère Aslaug Sigurdsdottir [I5161]
         Sigurd Hart


Famille de Sigurd Hart [F1080]

Nom Naissance Décès
Ragnhild Sigurdsdotter [I2520]

Références de la source

  1. Wikipedia [S0052]
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