Nanna Nepsdöttir 1 2

Nom de naissance Nanna Nepsdöttir
Identifiant Gramps I6151
Genre féminin


Note : 1

Attention mythologie(s) !
J'ai retenu la version de Snorri Sturluson pour son père Nepr et la version du Chronicon Lethrense pour son mariage avec Wihtlæg des Angles.
Elles ne sont pas reliées entre elles et sont donc théoriquement incompatibles.

Note : 2

In Norse mythology, Nanna Nepsdöttir or simply Nanna is a goddess associated with the god Baldr. Accounts of Nanna vary greatly by source. In the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, Nanna is the wife of Baldr and the couple produced a son, the god Forseti. After Baldr's death, Nanna dies of grief. Nanna is placed on Baldr's ship with Baldr corpse and the two are set aflame and pushed out to sea. In Hel, Baldr and Nanna are united again. In an attempt to bring back Baldr from the dead, the god Hermóðr rides to Hel and, upon receiving the hope of resurrection from the being Hel, Nanna gives Hermóðr gifts to give to the goddess Frigg (a robe of linen), the goddess Fulla (a finger-ring), and other gifts (unspecified). Nanna is frequently mentioned in the poetry of skalds and a Nanna, who may or may not be the same figure, is mentioned once in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources.

An account provided by Saxo Grammaticus in his 12th century work Gesta Danorum records Nanna as a human female, the daughter of King Gevar, and the love interest of both the demi-god Baldr and the human Höðr. Spurred by their mutual attraction to Nanna, Baldr and Höðr repeatedly do battle. Nanna is only interested in Höðr and weds him, while Baldr wastes away from nightmares about Nanna.

The chronicle which departs most from the Prose Edda is the Danish Chronicon Lethrense (and the included Annales Lundenses). They tell that Höðr's son, the Danish king Rorik Slengeborre was succeeded by his son Wiglek. This Wiglek married Nanna and he ruled in peace. He died in his bed and was succeeded by his son Wermund, the father of Offe (Offa).
This last version is the one implemented in this genealogical database.

[source Wikipedia]


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Nepr [I6152]
         Nanna Nepsdöttir