Domar Domaldesson 1 2a

Nom de naissance Domar Domaldesson
Nom de naissance Dómar Dómaldisson
Nom de naissance Domarr av Uppsala
Identifiant Gramps I4861
Genre masculin


Note : 1

Roi d'Uppsala

Note : 2

In Norse mythology, the Swedish king Domar of the House of Ynglings was the son of Domalde. He was married to Drott, the sister of Dan the Arrogant who gave his names to the Danes. Drott and Dan are in this work said to be the children of Danp son of Ríg.

His rule lasted long and after the sacrifice of his father Domalde, the crops were plentiful and peace reigned. Consequently there is not much to tell about his reign, and when he died at Uppsala, he was transported over the Fyris Wolds (Fyrisvellir) and burnt on the banks of the river, where a stone was raised over his ashes.

He was succeeded by his son Dyggvi.

[source Wikipedia]


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Domalde Vísbursson [I4862]
         Domar Domaldesson

Références de la source

  1. Krystad history & genealogy: Krystad history & genealogy [S0062]
  2. Idar Lind: Norse mythology / Viking age by Idar Lind [S0082]
      • Page : Domaldesson