Rogvolod 1a

Nom de naissance Rogvolod
Nom de naissance Ragnvald Olafsson
Nom de naissance Рагвалод
Nom de naissance Рогволод
Identifiant Gramps I2170
Genre masculin
Âge au décès environ 58 ans



Rogvolod (Belarusian: Рагвалод, Rahvałod; Russian: Рогволод, Rogvolod; c. 920 - 978) was first chronicled prince of Polatsk (945 - 978). In the Russian Primary Chronicle, he is known as Рогъволодъ, probably a slavicized version of the Old Norse name Ragnvald. He came from overseas (i.e., from Scandinavia) and established himself at Polatsk in the mid-10th century. According to the , Vladimir the Great sought an alliance with him in 980 by marrying his daughter Rogneda, but she insultingly refused, prompting Vladimir to attack Rogvolod and his sons and kill them, after which he forcibly took Rogneda as his wife.

[source Wikipedia]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Naissance [E3390] vers 920      
Décès [E3391] 978      


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Olaf Geirstadalf Haraldsson [I2171]vers 877934
         Rogvolod vers 920 978
    Le frère     Tryggve Olafsson [I2567] 963


Famille de Rogvolod [F0937]

Nom Naissance Décès
Rogneda de Polotsk [I2169]9621002

Références de la source

  1. Wikipedia [S0052]
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