Gotfrid d'Alémanie 1 2 3 4a

Nom de naissance Gotfrid d'Alémanie
Nom de naissance Gottfried
Nom de naissance Godofried
Identifiant Gramps I2056
Genre masculin
Âge au décès environ 59 ans


Note : 1

Généalogie ascendante mal attestée.

Note : 2

Gotfrid, Gotefrid, or Gottfried (Latin: Gotfridus or Cotefredus; died 709) was the Duke of Alemannia in the late seventh century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in Bavaria.

In a document dated to the year 700 in Cannstatt, Gotfrid at the request of a priest named Magulfus donated the castle of Biberburg to the monastery of Saint Gall.

Gotfrid fought a war over his de facto independence with the mayor of the palace Pepin of Heristal. The war was unfinished when Gotfrid died in 709. His sons, Lantfrid and Theudebald, had the support of Pepin and succeeded him.

Gotfrid married a daughter of Theodo of Bavaria and his third son, Odilo, later ruled in Bavaria. From his son Huoching (Huocin, Houchi, or Hug) came the later stock of the Ahalolfings. His daughter Regarde married Hildeprand of Spoleto, and he left a youngest son named Liutfrid.

[source Wikipedia]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Naissance [E3204] vers 650      
Décès [E3205] 709      


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père ? d'Alémanie [I6257]615
Mère ? de Bourgogne [I6258]625
         Gotfrid d'Alémanie vers 650 709