Harald Halvdansson 1a 2a

Nom de naissance Harald Halvdansson
Identifiant Gramps I2565
Genre masculin



Fagrskinna and Heimskringla both agree that Halfdan's first wife was Ragnhild, daughter of King Harald Gulskeg (Goldbeard) of Sogn. Halfdan and Ragnhild had a son named "Harald" after his grandfather, and they sent him to be raised at his grandfather's court. Harald Gulskeg, being elderly, named his grandson as his successor, shortly before his death. Ragnhild died shortly after her father, and the young king Harald fell sick and died the next spring. When Halfdan heard about his son's death, he travelled to Sogn and laid claim to the title of king. No resistance was offered, and Halfdan added Sogn to his realm.

[source Wikipedia]


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Halfdan le Noir Gudrödsson [I2173]entre 820 et 824entre 860 et 864
Mère Ragnhild Haraldsdotter [I2564]
         Harald Halvdansson
Père Halfdan le Noir Gudrödsson [I2173]entre 820 et 824entre 860 et 864
Belle-mère Ragnhild Sigurdsdotter [I2520]
    Le demi-frère consanguin     Harald Ier Belle Chevelure Halfdansson de Norvège [I2172] vers 850 933

Références de la source

  1. Idar Lind: Norse mythology / Viking age by Idar Lind [S0082]
      • Page : http://lind.no/nor/index.asp?lang=gb&emne=nor&person=Harald Halvdansson (1)
  2. Wikipedia [S0052]
      • Page : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Black