Eochaid nez crochu mac Domangairt 1 2

Nom de naissance Eochaid nez crochu mac Domangairt
Identifiant Gramps I3626
Genre masculin
Âge au décès inconnu



Eochaid mac Domangairt (d. ca. 697) was a king of Dál Riata (modern western Scotland) in about 697. He was a member of the Cenél nGabráin, the son of Domangart mac Domnaill and father of Eochaid mac Echdach; Alpín mac Echdach may also be a son of this Eochaid.

He is named in Dál Riata king-lists, the Duan Albanach and the Synchronisms of Flann Mainistrech. In some sources he is called Eochaid Crook-Nose (Riannamail), but modern readings take this is a being a garbled reference to Fiannamail ua Dúnchado rather than an epithet.

The killing of Eochu nepos Domnaill, Eochaid grandson of Domnall Brecc, is reported in the Annals of Ulster for 697.

[source Wikipedia]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Décès [E4717] vers 697      
Naissance [E11575]        

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Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Domangart mac Domnaill [I3627]673
         Eochaid nez crochu mac Domangairt vers 697

Arbre généalogique

  1. Domangart mac Domnaill [I3627]
    1. Eochaid nez crochu mac Domangairt
        1. Eochaid mac Echdach [I3625]