Olderico Manfredi I di Torino 1 2

Nom de naissance Olderico Manfredi I di Torino
Nom de naissance Manfredo I di Torino
Nom de naissance Magnifredo di Torino
Nom de naissance Manfred Ier de Turin
Nom de naissance Maginfred de Turin
Identifiant Gramps I4188
Genre masculin
Âge au décès inconnu



Manfred I or Maginfred (died 1000) was the second Margrave of Turin from 977. He inherited the county of Auriate and the vast marca Arduinica in the Susa Valley from his father Arduin Glaber. In his reign, the marca extended from the Alps to the Ligurian Sea and the Po Valley. Under him, Pavia became a mercantile city. He also controlled the road between Genoa and Marseilles.

Manfred married Prangarda, daughter of Adalbert Atto of Canossa. He was succeeded by his eldest son Ulric Manfred. His second son Adalric became bishop of Asti and he left another son named Odo with fiefdoms in Candia Canavese and Arneis del Roero.

Marchese of Turin, Conte d´Auriate, and Marchese of Susa-Piemonte. His territories were bordered by the Alps in the west, and included the Po River valley and the Ligurian coast. He oversaw the development of Pavia as a commercial centre and controlled the land route from Genoa to Marseille.

[sources Wikipedia & Medieval Lands]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Décès [E5448] vers 1000      
Naissance [E11993]        

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Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Arduin II le Chauve de Turin [I4193]après 4 avril 976
         Olderico Manfredi I di Torino vers 1000


Famille de Olderico Manfredi I di Torino et Prangarda di Canossa [F2114]

Mariés Femme Prangarda di Canossa [I4189] ( * + ... )
Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Mariage [E5449] avant 991      
Nom Naissance Décès
Oldéric Manfred II d'Oriate [I4187]vers 992estimée entre 1034 et 1041