Skuli Lofdasson 1a

Nom de naissance Skuli Lofdasson
Nom de naissance Skyli
Identifiant Gramps I5182
Genre masculin



Lofdungs :

Lofdi was a great king who raided Reidgotaland (Reiðgotaland) and became king there. Lofdi's sons were Skekkil Sea-king (Skekkill sækonungr) and Skyli. Skyli was father of Egdir (Egðir), the father of Hjálmthér (Hjálmþér), the father of Eylimi, the father of Hjördís (Hjǫrdís), the mother of Sigurd Fáfnir's-bane, father of Áslaug (Áslaugr) by Brynhild whose ancestry appears below in the Budling discussion. This Áslaug was a wife of Ragnar Lodbrok and by him the mother of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye (Sigurðr ormr í auga) who was father of a second Áslaug who was mother of Sigurd Hart. Sigurd Hart was father of Ragnhild (Ragnhildr), mother of Harald Fairhair as already stated.

[source Wikipedia]


Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Lovde Halvdansson [I5183]
         Skuli Lofdasson


Famille de Skuli Lofdasson [F1900]

Nom Naissance Décès
Egdir Skulasson [I5181]

Arbre généalogique

  1. Lovde Halvdansson [I5183]
    1. Skuli Lofdasson
        1. Egdir Skulasson [I5181]

Références de la source

  1. Wikipedia [S0052]
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