Egil Aunsson 1 2 3a

Nom de naissance Egil Aunsson
Nom de naissance Egil Tunnadolgr av Uppsala
Nom de naissance Erik Tunnadolgr av Uppsala
Nom de naissance Ongentheow
Nom de naissance Ongenþeow
Nom de naissance Ongenþio
Nom de naissance Ongendþeow
Nom de naissance Angantyr
Nom de naissance Anganaþewaz
Identifiant Gramps I4851
Genre masculin
Âge au décès inconnu


Note : 1

Roi d'Uppsala

Note : 2

Ongentheow, (Anglo-Saxon Ongenþeow, Ongenþio, Ongendþeow; Swedish Angantyr) (– ca 515) was the name of a semi-legendary Swedish king of the house of Scylfings, who appears in Anglo-Saxon sources. He is generally identified with the Swedish king Egil (also Swedish Egill, Eigil) who appears in Ynglingatal, Historia Norwegiae and in Ynglinga saga.

The names are different and have little etymological connection. Ongenþeow would in Proto-Norse have been *Anganaþewaz, whereas Egil would have been *Agilaz. The reason why they are thought to have been the same is that they have the same position in the line of Swedish kings and are described as the fathers of Ohthere and grandfathers of Eadgils. As will be shown below, it can be argued that they are based on the same person and the same events, but not every scholar is open to the historicity of the characters in Beowulf, and in the Norse sagas.

Some authors claim that Ongentheow is identical to Angeltheow of Angles (in this datadbase Angeltheow des Angles ref. I6145)

[source Wikipedia]


Évènement Date Lieu Description Sources
Décès [E3671] vers 515      
Naissance [E11149]        

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Relation avec la souche Nom Date de naissance Date de décès Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Père Aun le Vieux Jorundsson [I4852]
         Egil Aunsson vers 515